23 TH JULY 2019
German highways… be careful!
The big day has arrived.
Months of preparation to be ready. The bags and crates piled up in the car that served all year to go to work. The vans or
combi are arranged to the millimeter and transformed into real small traveling homes.
From 8:30 am: ready to welcome the participants: hot drinks and croissants on one side, and on the other: administrative tent and distribution of Road Book and stickers to stick on the car. Everybody is ready. Greg presents each team.
Gordon and Christine, who participated in 2012 and 2015 have come to say hello, as well as and David from the 2012 raid.
Last photos of the participants for the subject of the castle of Vincennes. And Coraline takes the last photos of the participants.
Departure before 13:00. For the first step: 680 km, 7hrs of driving to Bramsche, Germany.